Monday, August 1, 2011

Paige Jolene Lopez

My beautiful baby!  She has grown up so fast.  Paige was 7lbs 03 oz and 19 inches long. I had a pretty normal pregnancy, I was about 1 week overdue and we were going to Dr appointments once every week.   On March 02, 1995 We headed to the hospital to get one of our normal check ups and discovered that Paige was in stress and I needed to be started. They thought Paige was maybe tangled in the cord, needless to say we were panicked.  I was admitted to the labor and delivery were they started the meds. It took 2 days for Paige to be born, she really didn't want to come out :)  She was perfect and tiny !!  Her dad and I were so excited. Paige didn't want a whole lot to do with me she only wanted her dad to hold her.  she slept good, ate good and has grown up to be such a beautiful young woman.

So Paige just got her learners permit a couple weeks ago.  So she always wants to drive LOL  it is kinda scary but she will catch on soon I'm sure.  Paige will be able to get her license on Jan 12 2012 also after her drivers class.

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